CADHP2 Day 20

I did it :D

I submitted my project. After last 33 hours with no sleep I'm proud to annnounce that Canon EOS 1000D is ready.
I finished last part of drawings, created DWF with all of them and uploaded all on noroff site.

My submission contained:
- final report
- DWF with model and all the drawings
- 32 part files (Inventor)
- 4 assemblies files (Inventor)
- 3 presentation files (Inventor)
- 33 drawing files (Inventor)
- 3 animation files (3ds Max)
- 11 files with pictograms (AutoCad)
- 10 pictures: 1 presentation photo (2400x1600) .png and .psd (Photoshop)
                    4 rendered photos (1200x800) .png and .psd (Photoshop)
- video presentation

My video presentation

CADHP2 Day 19

Today I rendered my last animation and started to finish creating my drawings.

I had to render my animation twice, because the preview quality was not good enough to see that not everything was the way it supposed to.

I finished also the toughest drawing. The body

CADHP2 Day 18

I didn't start to render on turntable animation yesterday, because I wanted to see everything with "fresh eye" today. And it was good decision. I made few adjustments to the animation itself and now I'm ready to render.

During creating third animations I got an error message

After restarting the computer problem went away.

Now all of my animations are finished. Two of them are rendered.

I have also my photos

CADHP2 Day 17

Today I worked in 3ds Max. I added most of materials yesterday, but I had to make some changes. Mainly in glossiness and reflectivity of materials.

In the beginning

In the end

I made also turntable animation, so we can look at camera all around, and shorter animation to show how parts in the lens are moving.