CAS - Collaboration Task

The collaborative task begun and I cooperate with Andreas Wiig Abrahamsen. The task was to find a project that we could collaborate most on. Without that one of us were left without work and waiting for the other for much of the time. The task is to plan, create parts, assembly, animation, documentation, logging of hours, evaluation and reporting. We have two weeks a total of 150 man hours to carry out the task.

Day 1

After considering several possible tasks we agreed to make a Lego model called Sunset Speeder, 3 cars that can be built out of the same pieces.
 This task will be done using Inventor for creating parts and assemblies, 3DsMax for creating animations, and Windows Movie Maker for creating movie presentation.
While Andreas is working on project plan I started to download required additional software:

Lego Digital Design (LDD) can be downloaded here
LDraw set of programs, can be downloaded here

The goal is to  have parts that we could measure and model in Inventor. To do that I needed to:
  • open LDD and find part
  • export part into .ldr file
  • open .ldr file with LDView program
  • export to .stl file
  • import .stl file into 3Ds Max
  • enlarge 10 times
  • export to .sat file
Then file is ready to be imported and measured in Inventor.




We divided parts so we know who does which

Green: Andreas
Red: me

Each file takes time to be created. It's not easy to find all parts, but today I managed to create 4 files ready for Andreas, so he wouldn't have to wait.

Day 2  and Day 3

Lot of work, not much to show.
I'm done with all the .sat files. It took longer than expected because not all brick could be found in LDD, and some that I did found I could not export. So I opened MLCad program that was installed with LDraw set of programs. From there export as .ldr, and follow procedure above.

Andreas mark which parts are the same (only different colors)

Day 4

I finally created my part of bricks

Day 5

The last part was kind of tricky. No matter what I did I could not export the file. So I just use screenshots from LDD. I had main dimensions from LDD.

I also did first assembly today, and chose materials for each part. Time for truck

Day 6

Today I made the Race Car assembly

Day 7

Today I started to work in 3Ds Max. We decided that I will make all of the animations, and Andreas will render them.
Large part of the day past when was setting up camera and lights in the scene.
I finally managed to make truck animation, and it's ready to render. 15 seconds animation with 15 fps, which gives 225 frames.

Day 8

As it turned out the animation wasn't ready to render. Adreas did test render of one frame and it turned out we have to change materials. The materials looked good in Inventor but not in 3D Max. So when I started to work on another animation he took care if all materials.
At the end of the day Sunset Speeder animation was ready.

Day 9

Today I finished the last animation of all. The Race Car is ready. Andreas took care of rendering and the only thing that is left to do is to finish th repport and making the video presentation of our work.

 I created also file where stood all three models, so we could do presentation photo, res 2400x1300.

Day 10

Today I created our presentation video. Had some problems with Windows Movie Maker at first, but after reset (first the program, then computer) it start to cooperate.

And this is our final movie presentation

The only thing left to do is to write our final report. At first it was Andreas' task, but now we are working on it together.


I denne modulen har vi jobbet med Revit ingjen. Vi skulle bruke huset vi tegnet i forrige modulen (CAAm1) og sett opp section views, elevation views og 3D views. Vi skulle lage også Sheets med plantegninger, fasade tegninger, detail tegninger, schedules og renderbilder som publiseres til en DWF fil.

 In this modul we worked in Revit again. We used house that we created in previous modul (CAAm1) and the task was to create sections, elevation and 3D views, as well as sheets with plans, facades, details, schedules and render pictures that we would later publish to DWF.

Da begynte jeg med i denne oppgaven var å rette opp i noen feil jeg hadde på modellen min som jeg fikk fra tilbakemelding fra min forrige innlevering. Neste lagte jeg romplaner for begge etasjene.

 I started this task by making corrections to mistakes that was pointed out to me in feedback from previous assignment. Then I made room plans for both floors.

Målsetting begge etasjene tok mye tid. Det var ikke enkelt men med å lese i byggtegningsboka jeg klarte det.

Dimensioning of both floors took me a long time, but after reading about it in construction drawing book (Magnussen, Rolf-Erik, Byggetegning) I finally did it.

Neste steg var å lage sheet med fasader. Jeg bare hadde skjule terreng og trær.

The next step was to make sheet with facades. I just had to hide terrain and trees in the views.

Sheet med snitt gjennom begge etasjene var lett å gjøre. Men for å se dette snitt i 3D jeg måtte oprette en camera og krysse av section box. Da kunne jeg lage render av dette 3D snitt.

Sheet with section view through both floors was easy to make. But to use this section in 3D view, I had to create a camera and check "section box". Then I could render the propper section view in 3D.

Sheet med Section og Detail View av følgende elementer: Vindu, dør, trapp og tak.

Sheet with section and detail view of following elements: window, door, stairs and roof.

 Jeg lagde ogsa sheet med dør og vinduer schedule.

I made a sheet with door and window schedule also.

Og rendered 3D viewer

And rendered 3D views

Som vi kan se min plan var ikke bra nok. Jeg trodde at alt vil ta meg mye mindre tid enn det gjorde. Mye av tiden som gikk tapt var fordi jeg måtte finne ut mine egne feil og korrigere dem. Jeg er sikker på at neste gang jeg vil være i stand til å fungere bedre.

Det var virkelig tilfredsstillende oppgave.

As you can see in the graph, my plan wasn't good enough. Pretty much everything took more time than I thought it would. I had to figure out the mistakes that I made previously and correct them. I'm happy however, because correcting ones mistakes makes for the best learning. I'm sure next time, I will be able to do abetter job first time arround. 

It was really satisfying task.