Da var andre semester i gang og Inventor er neste program å sette seg inn i.

Now the second semester started and the next program to learn is Inventor.

I denne moduloppgave måtte vi å modellere delene til en espressokanne og sette dem sammen. Vi fikk en DWF-fil som viser bare halve del av en modell. Det er lettere å måle.

In this module task we had to model parts of an espresso pot and put them together. We got a dwf file that show only half part of a model. It's easier to measure.

 Vi måtte modellere 5 deler dor denne oppgave. Kanne_U, Kanne_O, Deksel, Grep og Knopp. Vi også sette dem inn sammen i sammenstilling.

We had to model 5 parts dor this task. Kanne_U, Kanne O, Cover, Grip and Knopp. We also put them together in assembly.

 Kanne_O var mest vanskelig del av alt. Det tok meg veldig lang tid fordi jeg prøvde mye ting.

Kanne_O (espresso canh upper part) was the most difficult part of all. It took me a really long time since I tried a lot of things.
Til slutt lagde jeg sammenstilling med alle deler. Jeg sette ogsa skruer, skiver og nutter i. Jeg sette alle constrainer.

In the end I made assembly with all parts. I put also screws, washers and nuts. I put also all the constraints.

 Jeg lagde også plan som viser hvilken tid har jeg brukt til alle deler.

I made also plan which shows how much time I used for all parts.



CADHP1 Final Day

CADHP1 Final Day

This is the last day.
The last two days every program that could misbehave... did. Talk about working under pressure.

When I tried to print DWF from AutoCAD there was almost every time some error which I couldn't find and fix. After a couple times I did manage to finish it.

Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to photoshopp my render photos as good as I would want to. I only had time to change one part of the photo and put flower in two of them. I'm very dissapointed with this because I hoped for higest grade.

I wrote report and created a video which I posted on Youtube (you can find it below). Not my longest video but I was running out of time.

To sum up my work:

I started with this referance photo:

This is my presentation photo

2 hour render, res 2400 x 1600

And  renders from 3Ds Max, with a little help of Photoshop (1 hour render, res 1200x800)

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

After a little more work done in Photoshop:

This is video of my work

I send today:
- report
- 3DsMax file
- DWF file with 12 layouts:
                  - Armchair
                  - bar
                  - bar footrest
                  - table
                  - front desk
                  - char
                  - football table
                  - glass table
                  - leaflets stand
                  - TV
                  - Stand with dimensions
                  - Stand with part list which was created by Data extraction from attributes
- AutoCAD files (besides those which were use to DWF)
                   - canopy
                   - carpet
                   - flower pot
                   - lighting box
                   - wall

It was a long task, but very sitisfying in the end, even without making everything perfect.

CADHP1 Day 14

CADHP1 Day 14             1.10.2015

Animation render was succesfull. One down many more to go.

Today I spent almost 4 hours trying to uninstall Photoshop. I couldn't do it so I turned to my seven years old laptop. It should be retired long time ago. Finally I did managed to install Photoshop but it run so slow that even making alpha mask of an flower was a long task.

In the meantime when I worked on photoshop on one computer I made renders it the 3DsMax. I made 3 render pictures 1200x800, each rendered for 1 hour and one presentation photo 2400x1600 2 hour render.

At this point alomost everything was ready. But between "almost" and "ready" is actually a really big gap. I couldn't zip Max files because render was in use. Couldn't use Photoshop because I had to wait on the pictures. And something went wrong (again) in AutoCAD. When I was using Sheet Set The program didn't always see the connection between files. So once again I had to restart program.

CADHP1 Day 13

CADHP1 Day 13            30.09.2015

I never expected that layouts could take so much time. But if you look at those you understand

I made animation path in Max and put camera_walkthrough. I'll set render so it will be done in the morning.
This will be one of the shortest animation I've ever done but on the other hand it will be rendered :)

CADHP1 Day 12

CADHP1 Day 12               29.09.2015

Max update

I added textures on planes so they will be visible on renders. But when I started to search for them I realized that I have to put them together from multiple different sources. Unfortunately my Photoshop trial ended so I had to focus on learning how to use Gimp. Makings logos wasn't even so hard but I have no idea how to make alpha masks in Gimp.

And more layouts:

CADHP1 Day 11

CADHP1 Day 11            28.09.2015

Today I'm working in 3Ds Max. I've imported my scene using Linked,  considering the fact that my bar whas in the beginning to small. So now if I will see that something is wrong in Max I can just apply changes and reload the whole scene without losing anything.

This is how it looked without any materials (ok, maybe i added one grey generic one, because it's all black when you import a scene)

Then I started to add materials and it looking quite nice.

In the meantime I made to layouts :)

CADHP1 Day 10

CADHP1 Day 10         25.09.2015

Canopy ready:

Second repport sent.

And my scene is ready :)
Took a lot of work. More hours than expected. But I did it.

I started also to work on 2D drawings. I'm making attributes, then blocks and layouts.

CADHP1 Final

This is the last day.
The last two days every program that could misbehave... did. I even lost lat week on this blog, which I realized after I submitted my report. So now older posts will appear above final day because i will now recreate them. After my assingment will be graded I will try to put everything where it was originally.

I started with this referance photo:

This is my presentation photo

2 hour render, res 2400 x 1600

And  renders from 3Ds Max, with a little help of Photoshop (1 hour render, res 1200x800)

and my video